Friday, December 29, 2006

ABNORMAL LIFETo be published soon

Abnormal Life brings us along a journey of a pathetic man whose unfortunate babihood from a domestic violence undermines his intelligence and capability to live as a normal being.

His resulting hazy disease names him as a seasonally intellectually disabled who gets both compassion and undervaluation by the society.

Life journey goes on as normal until a time that comes to his love with a well-to-do family's daughter who has already been in relationship with a foreign graduate for years since their highschool time.

The feeling of the girl with an immature love and a great commiseration towards the two men in different attitude and ability puts in new tastes in love and life cycle. Love is not comparing and picking up, but it comes to the time that she asks "Why he is not him, not the one i want him to be?"

Yeah, it's for everyone to act. Let see how the two men deal with the situation and also react to their feelings. How about the girl? Who is the person responsible for everything that happens? EVERY ANGLE OF LOVE AND LIFE IN ABNORMAL LIFE.